
  • Anurag Aryal High School Senior, Tilottama Secondary School, Butwal, Nepal Author
  • Karigya Joshi High School Senior, Valmiki Shiksha Sadan, Bharatpur, Nepal Author


General Background and Our Motivation

As our world is digitalizing at a rapid rate in every sphere of life, it is indispensable for everyone using digital platforms and gadgets to be aware of their impact on physical health, mental health, and sleep. Before beginning to work on this research paper, we browsed extensively on the internet to see whether there was any case study associated with this topic on a multi-national spectrum. However, we were unable to locate any. As a result, we made the decision to work on this research.

With this research paper, we aspire to present the statistical data that demonstrates the consequences of electronic gadgets on people from all over the globe and to aware them by stating the extent to which gadgets affect different aspects of human life. We would vouch for our ardency in this case study by mentioning that over the last two months, we have worked for roughly 1-2 hours per day to make this proposal as effective and relevant to individuals all over the world as possible.

Our Data Collection Approach

Both primary and secondary data were used for global-scale relevance. We thought the best approach would be to include at least the countries with the highest screen time in each continent. So, we inculcated the statistics from different journals, federal institutions, surveys, and schools about the average screen time, sleep disorders, obesity, and engagement in physical activities from 7 different countries across 6 continents. Furthermore, we conducted our own personal survey. A binary logistic regression model was adapted using IBM SPSS software, considering average screen time as an independent variable and poor sleep, eye diseases and depression as dependent variables to assess our primary data. 


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How to Cite

Anurag Aryal, and Karigya Joshi. “A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF ELECTRONIC GADGETS ON HEALTH AND SLEEP”. Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review, vol. 3, no. 4, Aug. 2022, pp. 46-65, https://ajmrr.org/journal/article/view/83.