
  • Rajdip Das 4th Year BBA LLB Student, Techno India University, West Bengal, India Author



In India, the intricate and sensitive task of reconciling child safety with family preservation presents a complex challenge; this abstract provides an in-depth overview of said issue. Furthermore, it delivers suggestions for improving future child protection measures within the country, underscoring both its importance and urgency.

India's rich cultural heritage underscores the importance of preserving familial ties, yet it intersects with concerns about child protection, a profound and continually evolving issue. The Juvenile Justice Act of India stands as an instrumental legal framework; its mission is to navigate this complex terrain in pursuit of harmony between family unity preservation, particularly valued by Indian culture, and the undeniable mandate for ensuring children’s safety and well-being.

The essay delves into a variety of potential solutions, including strengthening family support services, implementing trauma-informed care, promoting alternative dispute resolution, and fostering multi-disciplinary collaboration. Moreover, it explores further strategies such as conducting child safety audits, advocating for transparent decision-making processes, and offering cultural competence training. Additionally, the "best interests of the child" standard is upheld, drawing lessons from international practices to strike an effective balance.

Concluding with a comprehensive set of recommendations, the essay outlines future possibilities for child protection in India. The proposals range widely; they advocate policy reforms that prioritize children's best interests; call for increased funding to strengthen resources available to child protection services; urge multi-agency collaboration leveraging the expertise of various stakeholders; promote community engagement to enhance awareness and foster responsibility towards kids' well-being; and encourage child participation by empowering them to make decisions affecting their lives. Additionally, there are calls for regular case audits, which could instigate evidence-backed changes in policies and trauma-informed strategies aimed at better accommodating the devastating impact trauma can have on children as well as creating safe environments through child-friendly facilities. Lastly, interventions need cultural sensitivity, which is a must when respecting India’s diverse culture during implementation is considered crucial.

The essay underlines the crucial point: advocating for enhanced child protection measures is not a solitary task; rather, it's a collective endeavor that requires participation from all members of society. Our roles extend to raising awareness, supporting organizations focused on child protection, backing funding initiatives, staying informed, and reporting concerns. Through community-wide acceptance of these recommendations, India harbors the potential to shape an ideal future where every single child flourishes devoid of any harm, with family values coexisting in harmony with children's safety at its core.


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How to Cite

Rajdip Das. “FAMILY PRESERVATION VS. CHILD SAFETY: THE INDIAN DILEMMA”. Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review, vol. 4, no. 5, July 2023, pp. 29-39,